Yob'sdale Tor...

In the village of Yob'sdale,das Tor is heavily guarded and well-maintained.Sentries patrol the gatefrom morn til dusk.For within the village walls,lies a deep secret.

Yob'sdale beer...

In the village of Yob'sdale,beer they do brew,
fresh and strong.One copper piece for a tankard,
straight from the keg.With the setting of the sun,a day's work is done.In Yob's Inn do friends gather,exchanging news of the day.Cheer up old friend,
drink up your beer.Come the morrow,
a brand new day.

Yob'sdale fowls...

In the village of Yob'sdale,it wasn't easy to eke out a living and fowls are scarce on the table."If I catch you again trying to sneak a piece of chicken off the table, you're going to get it from me!"

Yob'sdale fog...

In the village of Yob'sdale,the market square is where philosophies are exchanged with the druid.

"We old people have nothing to look forward to anymore"

"Oh? But I do. I look forward into the crystal ball.""Oh, and I see lots of fog."

Yob'sdale flowers...

In the village of Yob'sdale,life may be hard,but flowers are picked for the soul.Two copper pieces eachfor some sweetness into your soul.

Yob'sdale gate...

In the village of Yob'sdale,the gate door is closed every day after sunset.


In the village of Yob'sdale,the train passes through but once with each new moon.

the world through a giraffe's eyes...

Boxed up living.Does the heart have to be boxed up as well?Sweeping up bunches of happiness for you to take on the way on life's journey.With bottled up cans of beauty.
Food food food. What is the real nourishment of our soul?
Through a glass darkly,Giraffe thinks beauty is the answer!